Since I am blogging (or making journal entries) about the processes involved in the development of my group's social marketing project, I thought about sharing BED PEACE, a 1969 candid film of Yoko Ono and John Lennon. (Free viewing only this weekend. Click here.)
Two things caught my attention:
1. John (and Yoko)'s far-reaching message to peace activists/advocates
And I quote Yoko: "What we said then could have been said now. In fact, there are things that we said then in the film, which may give some encouragement and inspiration to the activists of today... Let’s remember WAR IS OVER if we want it. It’s up to us, and nobody else. John would have wanted to say that."
2. The two were already implementing social marketing way back in the late '60s
The concept of social marketing can be traced back to Gerhard Weibe who was quoted saying, "Why can't you sell brotherhood like you sell soap?" However, I find the fact that icons like John&Yoko were aware of such concept during their time.
This appears in the write up below the video:
"They approached the task with the same entrepreneurial expertise as an advertising agency selling a brand of soap powder to the masses. John & Yoko’s product however was PEACE, not soft soap, and they were determined to use any slogan, event and gimmick in order to persuade the World to buy it."
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